Wednesday, June 1, 2011

No Justice, No Peace: Stafford County Legal Lynching of Autistic Man

A young autistic man was sentenced 10 years in prison for not having a gun and being at the wrong place at the wrong time.  LITERALLY!  This is not 1954 Selma, Alabama, this is modern times in Stafford County, Virginia.  The police department and "justice" system of Stafford County, Virginia needs to be called out and I'm the one to do it.  How do these ignorant hateful people live with themselves after treating a fellow human being this way?

I hope my blog post inspires change throughout the Universe.  The right person will read this, become aware (if they weren't already), and that person will be the one to really help Reginald "Neli" Latson and his family get the justice they deserve.  Please click the links posted below to learn more about Neli's case and how to help him.  I'm begging you to take a few moments out of your day to learn about his plight. He could have been anyone's brother, uncle, father, or friend; that's frightening. 

Huffington Post article - Racial Harassment During Arrest of Autistic Teen

A Voice for Neli